Automated home security and monitoring system using GSM
Hardware work
Servo Motor MG945
A servomotor is a turning actuator or direct actuator that considers exact control of precise or straight position, speed and acceleration. It comprises of an appropriate engine coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It likewise requires a generally advanced controller, frequently a devoted module planned particularly for use with servomotors.
Optimization in Moving Mechanism
Through code moving mechanism of servo motor has been optimized such that by changing angles of rotation and delay time. By doing this if any motion occurs in the area servo motor moves to triggered zone quickly. For this two push buttons are used to suppose any motion in the area so by pressing the push buttons servo motor moves quickly towards it.
Push Button
Simple two push buttons are used to suppose any motion in the area one push button is for room and other is for garage
16x2 LCD
Liquid crystal display is used to show the activities happens during the alarm is triggered as well as it also used to show the main information regarding the project such that title of project and to see the password which will be entered by user to trigger the system.
Buzzer as an alarm
Buzzer is used as an alarm when push button is pressed it means that any motion occurs so after that system is triggered and alarm is on and servo motor moves towards the area where motion is sensed.
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