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Showing posts with label self motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self motivation. Show all posts


Character Building


*Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ' Till your good is better and your better is best.

Some points are highlighted here to motivate others

1.Encourage people.

I want to encourage everyone today to get the life started with passion and enthusiasm! You are equipped, you are well able, you are important, and nothing can hold you back with God on your side! I want to encourage you to ask God for the desires in your heart and then stand in faith for Him to do His will.

2.Show them the first step.

We are the happiest and healthiest when we help other people. Encourage one another daily. Be entwined with others. Strengthen one another and help others succeed. There first step should be building self confidence. Ask them to trust themselves.

3.Treat kindly.

If you want to motivate people treat them with kindness ' love and affection.
As our Holy prophet said that ''Treat people with kindness''.

4.Give people responsibility.
Those people must be given the responsibility . They would be able to understand when they face the responsibility and burdens . Then they would realize what is good or bad for them.

5.Set stretched goals.

A person should be asked to set the goals in their lives . They should have aims and dreams that are necessary for survival.

6.Tell them stories:

The person you want to motivate must know and understand the basics of life. Tell them the stories with their results so that they would learn lessons and implement in their lives.

7.Challenge them.

The best way to motivate a person is to challenge them. Give them the challenge so that they would be able to face.

8.Do Good to others.

We could motivate others by telling them the good things , by showing them the right path , by asking them to behave good so that in result they would have good in life. As it is said that ''DO GOOD , HAVE GOOD''.

9.Be a Good listener, Respectful, personable and Flexible.

To motivate a person You must be a good listener . you must listen to them patiently and attentively. You must respect their feelings . You must be flexible towards their attitude.