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Showing posts with label functional gene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label functional gene. Show all posts


#13 Genes

☆A Gene is a segment of DNA molecule that contains necessary genetic information to create a functional product in the form of proteins.
2.☆ A single Gene can contain large molecule or a very small one.However in both cases Gene need a Regulatory Region which control its Activity.This region is called promoter. Different Genes have Different promoters ,some are specific to their genes while the others are general for different genes.
3.☆The genes are made Up of 4 neucleotide bases namely Adinine,Guanine,Cytocine and Thyamine
4.☆The bases A and G are Called 'Purines' while C and T are called 'Pyrimidines'.
5.☆A functional Gene can be divided into two parts:
◇A regulatory Region.
◇A transcriptory Region.
☆The transcriptional region is further divided into two parts:
●Introns and ● Exons