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Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts


Best Health Tips


Bathing with hot water or staying in a hot tub for long isn't healthy for you as sperm cells can't bear high temperature so try to avoid hot water as much as you can.


Make a routine to do mind exercise daily for 10 minutes.mind exercise includes eye movement,make two or three plan to solve a mathematical question or anything else.


If you want to avoid number of diseases,it is important to reduce the stress in your life,as mental stress is the root cause of many diseases.


#41- Beauty lies in Personality

Author:Adnan Fazil
"Beauty lies in action"
"Beautiful face looks great when it have beautiful personality inside."
 Beauty is the blessing.Beauty is not only having a good face.Beauty in you become awesome when you have a good personality in it.Basically a good personality include following things.
 1- face expression
2-body expression
3-dealing other people
 4-convince other people
5-Respecting difference in opinion
 6-way of talking

 In order to have a good personality one must have a good style of talking.If you think you need to improve your talking style then simply stand in front of mirror and see in your own eyes and talk in normal way such as you are talking with your friend.we say "think before you speak"
 Your face and body expression matters very much.First impression you will show to your opponent is your body expression.If your body expression are awesome then the opponent get impressed easily as we say "First impression is the last impression"

Giving respect to other person is also an awesome way to show how great you are as we say "Give respect Get respect"

The other person who is talking to you also have opinion which might be different from your opinion so respect the opinion of other.