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Showing posts with label wireless power transmission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wireless power transmission. Show all posts


#4 Wireless Power Transmission

Wireless power transmission has been a fantasy since the days when Nikola Tesla envisioned a world studded with tremendous Tesla curls. Yet, beside advances in energizing electric toothbrushes, wireless power has so far neglected to make noteworthy advances into purchaser level apparatus. 
What is it? This late spring, Intel analysts showed a strategy - in view of MIT research- - for tossing power a separation of a couple of feet, without wires and with no perils to onlookers (well, none that they think about yet). Intel calls the innovation a "remote full vitality connection," and it works by sending a particular, 10-MHz motion through a loop of wire; a comparative, adjacent curl of wire reverberates tuned in to the recurrence, making electrons move through that loop as well. In spite of the fact that the plan is primitive, it can illuminate a 60-watt knob with 70 percent effectiveness.