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#1 Abbreviations

HIV=Human immunodeficiency virus infection

AIDS=Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

News= North east west south

WHO= World health organization

IEEE=Institute of electrical and electronics engineer

AJB=African journal of biotechnology 

BETP=Biotech entrepreneurship

BIO=Biotechnology innovation organization

 AADR= American Association for dental research

 ADSL= Asymmetric digital subscriber line

 AOL=America online

APN=Acess point name

ATM=Alien time machine

ABA=Architectural barriers act

BBC=British broadcasting cooperation 

CIA=Central intelligence agency 

CID=criminal investigation department 

CSS=Civil superior services

FIR= First information report 

IBM=international buisness machine 

ICC=international cricket council

 ICJ=International court of justice

 IMF= International monitoring fund


#3 General Knowledge

1-)Diameter of earth is 12,742km and radius is 6,371km. 

2-)Nanga parbat is the most difficult mountain to climb and is also called as killer mountain.

 3-)London is the only city which has hosted Olympics for three times. 

4-)Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.  

5-)Tripoli is the capital of Libya. 

6-)obama deported 2.4million people during his government. 

7-)Speoleology is related to study of caves. 

 8-)stratosphere is the nearest atomic layer to earth.

 9-)India is the largest producer of mica.  
10-)The headquarter of red cross is in Geneva.


#2 General knowledge

1-)smallest country of world among area is Malta. 

2-)Largest ocean of the world is pacific ocean. 

 3-)Emirates is the airline of united arab emirates. 

4-)Theodore Roosevelt was America's youngest president at the age of 42. 

5-)Germany is considered to be the economic engine of Europe. 

6-)The only substance leaving the cooling tower of nuclear power plant is water vapor. 

7-)Nigeria is the country often called as"giant of Africa". 

8-)The only fertile dessert in the world is tharparkar. 

 9-)On 5 July 2016, NASA's Juno space probe entered orbit of the planet Jupiter. 

10-)Largest laboratory in the world is CERN.

#1 General knowledge

1-)New elected president of European Parliament Mr. Antonio Tajani on 18th January-2017 belongs to Italy.

 2-) 14 countries were participated in first Olympics held in Athens in 1896. 

3-) The First Muslim Nobel Laureate was Anwar Sadat. 

 4-) Colour of black box in aircraft is Orange. 

 5-) Country leader having unofficial residence is Cuba.

 6-)Dragon boat racing is a popular traditional sport in china. 

 7-)Taoism is folloed in china, taiwan. 

 8-) Name of the horse of Alexander the great is Bucephalus.

 9-)The Russia's forest reserves are called the lungs of the Earth. 

 10-)world longest route train cover distance in 18 days and is 12000km.