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“Our greatest motivations in life
come from not knowing the future.”
By 2030 over 80% of all doctor visits will have been replaced by automated exams.
By 2030 over 90% of all restaurants will use some form of a 3D food printer in their meal preparations.
By 2030 over 10% of all global financial transactions will be conducted through Bitcoin or Bitcoin-like crypto currencies.
By 2030 we will seen a growing number of highways designated as driverless-vehicle only.
By 2030, a Chinese company will become the first to enter the space tourism industry by establishing regular flights to their space hotel.
By 2030, the world’s largest Internet company will be in the education business, and it will be a company we have not heard of yet.
By 2030 over 20% of all new construction will be “printed” buildings.
By 2030 over 2 billion jobs will have disappeared, freeing up talent for many new fledgling industries.
By 2030 a new protest group will have emerged that holds anti-cloning rallies, demonstrating against the creation of “soul-less humans.”
By 2030 we will see the first city to harvest 100% of its water supply from the atmosphere.
By 2030 world religions will make a resurgence, with communities of faith growing by nearly 50% over what they are today.
By 2030 over 50% of all traditional colleges will collapse, paving the way for an entire new education industry to emerge.
By 2030 we will see a surge of Micro Colleges spring to life, each requiring less than 6 months of training and apprenticeship to switch professions.
By 2030 scientists will have perfected an active cross-species communication system, enabling some species to talk to each other as well as humans.
By 2030 we will see the first hurricane stopped by human intervention.
By 2030 we will see wireless power used to light up invisible light bulbs in the middle of a room.
By 2030 we will see the first demonstration of a technology to control gravity, reducing the pull of gravity on an object by as much as 50%.
By 2030 democracy will be viewed as inferior form of government.
By 2030 traditional police forces will be largely automated out of existence with less than 50% of current staffing levels on active duty.
By 2030 over 90% of all libraries will offer premium services as part of their business model.
By 2030 forest fires will have been reduced to less than 5% of the number today with the use of infrared drone monitoring systems.
By 2030 over 30% of all cities in the U.S. will operate their electric utilities as micro grids.
By 2030 we will have seen a number of global elections with the intent of creating a new global mandate, forcing world leaders to take notice.
By 2030 traditional pharmaceuticals will be replaced by hyper-individualized medicines that are manufactured at the time they are ordered.
By 2030 we will have seen the revival of the first mated pair of an extinct species.
By 2030 swarms of micro flying drones – swarmbots – will be demonstrated to assemble themselves as a type of personal clothing, serving as a reconfigurable fashion statement.
By 2030 marijuana will be legalized in all 50 states in the U.S. and half of all foreign countries.
By 2030 cable television will no longer exist.
By 2030 a small number of companies will begin calculating their labor costs with something called “synaptical currency.”
By 2030 it will be common to use next generation search engines to search the physical world.
By 2030 basic computer programming will be considered a core skill required in over 20% of all jobs.
By 2030 we will have seen multiple attempts to send a probe to the center of the earth.

#26- Enhancement in Power Transmission System

1. Installation of New Transmission Line: 
This is usually the first option that comes to mind whenever a transmission line is limited in the amount of power it can transmit, so as to alleviate overloading by providing additional paths for power flow. It is beneficial by increasing the reliability of the transmission system. However, it has to pass through economic, political and environmental hurdles.

2. Reconductoring Transmission Line/Terminal Equipment Replacements: 
A line can be reconductored with a larger conductor with more power-carrying capability if the original transmission line conductor is inadequate to carry expected power flows, provided that the transmission line towers do not need to be significantly altered to support the heavier conductor. In addition, some terminal equipment may need to be upgraded to match the desired rating.

3. Conversion from single circuit to double circuit: 
This involves making necessary modifications to the existing transmission towers and adding a second transmission line to the structure. This option extensively reduces the line impedance and increases current-carrying capacity of the line, thereby increasing power transmission capacity of the line.

4. Voltage Upgrade: 
Another option is to increase the operating voltage of the transmission line, such as upgrading the voltage from 132 kV to 330 kV. In this instance, for example, the nominal rating of the line maybe drastically increased while using the same conductor. This type of improvement may require upgrading the transmission towers to meet National Electric Safety Code (NESC) clearance levels. In addition, the switching stations and substations must also be upgraded with higher voltage circuit breakers, switches, transformers, and other related equipment.

#25- Happy new year

I Will Never Be Complete Without Your Love,
Being Closer To Me Makes Me Feel Loved.
I Thank God For Giving Me
Such A Handsome Gift.
It Is Because Of Your Love
That Am Happy And Healthy,
Happy New Year ....
I Pray That This Year Will Be A Blessed To You. May God Show You Direction For You To Follow, May You Remain Peaceful In Mind, May You Be Healthy This Year. May You Live To Enjoy Every Single Minute You Get in your life.
May this new year bring many opportunities to your way, to explore every joy of life & may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
May Your Hair, Your Teeth, Your Face-Lift, Your Abs And Your Stocks Not Fall; And May Your Blood Pressure, Your Triglycerides, Your Cholesterol, Your White Blood Count And Your Mortgage Interest Not Rise.
You Are Like Stars Shining In The Sky, I Wish You A Happy New Year As You Prepare To Face This Year. May You Be Filled With Caring Heart, May Peace Always Prevail In Your Mind. Happy And Promising New Year.
●○●○●○HAPPY NEW YEAR○●○●○●

#24- Love is Crazy

Poem on love:
Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from Inside...
I choose to love you in silence…
For in silence I find no rejection,
I choose to love you in loneliness…
For in loneliness no one owns you but me,
I choose to adore you from a distance…
For distance will shield me from pain,
I choose to kiss you in the wind…
For the wind is gentler than my lips,
I choose to hold you in my dreams…
For in my dreams, you have no end.

Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are, the more you are at risk.

It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably the best antidepressant there is because one of the most common sources of
depression is feeling unloved. Most depressed people don't love
themselves and they do not feel loved by others. They also are very
self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn the skills of love.


#23- 8 lifestyle practices that can help prevent cancer

1. Try to always avoid eating GMOs and processed food at whatever point conceivable. Most "American" traditional sustenance contains simulated fixings, pesticides, additives, added substances, blanch, nitrates, lethal gluten, and hydrogenated oils that cause disease.

2. Never put individual care items on your skin, hair, lips, or nails that contain chemicals. Search for natural items that let you know particularly, on the name, they DO NOT contain parabens, coal tar colors, powder, PEGs (polyethylene glycols), petroleum-based chemicals, phthalates, or Triclosan.

3. Never copy or shower items in your home that contain chemicals, as modest candles and most mainstream air fresheners. Purchase natural candles and make your own particular air freshener with sifted water, rubbing liquor (as bearer), and common fundamental oils for awesome scents. It's a simple recipe! Presently go purchase a shower bottle.

4. Stay away from all antibodies and influenza shots, as most contain mercury, aluminum, MSG, and formaldehyde. This is no joke. Simply check the CDC site. It's terrifying and deteriorating. Such a variety of trick maladies out there and you can manufacture common invulnerability by eating natural sustenance and taking home grown tinctures. Look at turmeric, oil of oregano, and garlic!

5. Never drink water from the tap, as it ordinarily contains sodium fluoride and other individuals' drugs. Chemicals like dye cause bladder tumor and pancreatic disease. Purchase a decent water channel and never think back!

6. Dodge every white sustenance since they are blanched: including white bread, white pasta, white flour, white sugar, white rice aside from basmati.

7. Dodge fake sweeteners - for the most part aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), and sorbitol. These are known to bring about bad tempered entrails and headaches, which are simply first signs your body is dismissing them. Later comes disease. Stopped them all NOW!

8. On the off chance that conceivable, stay away from professionally prescribed pharmaceuticals, as most are substance based and turn the blood acidic, empowering tumor to create and spread effortlessly. Enormous astound, huh? About each solution out there basically eases the indications of poisonous quality briefly. Try not to fall for the traps MDs spend.



1: Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants

Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40% of U.S. CO2 emissions come from electricity production, and burning coal accounts for 93% of emissions from the electric utility industry. Every day, more electric gadgets flood the market, and without widespread alternative energy sources, we are highly dependent on burning coal for our personal and commercial electrical supply.

2: Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation

Our modern car culture and appetite for globally sourced goods is responsible for about 33% of emissions in the U.S .With our population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for more cars and consumer goods means that we are increasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and manufacturing. Our consumption is outpacing our discoveries of ways to mitigate the effects, with no end in sight to our massive consumer culture.

3: Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic sea beds.

Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions (anaerobic decomposition) as in rice paddies, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound containing large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly.

4:Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland

The use of forests for fuel (both wood and for charcoal) is one cause of deforestation, but in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper products, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land, and the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like palm oil plantations contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and this deforestation releases large amounts of carbon, as well as reducing the amount of carbon capture on the planet.

5: Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands

In the last half of the 20th century, the use of chemical fertilizers has risen dramatically. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland and the run-off of excess fertilizers creates ‘dead-zones’ in our oceans. In addition to these effects, high nitrate levels in groundwater due to over-fertilization are cause for concern for human health.

6: Rise in sea Level worldwide

Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the East coast of the U.S. However, many nations around the world will experience the effects of rising sea levels, which could displace millions of ice to melt.

7: More killer storms

Scientists have come up with the firmest evidence so far that global warming will significantly increase the intensity of the most extreme storms worldwide. The maximum wind speeds of the strongest tropical cyclones have increased significantly since 1981, according to research published in Nature the, thought to be driven by rising ocean temperatures, is unlikely to stop at any time soon.

8: Massive Crop Failures:

Climate change is expected to have the most severe impact on water supplies. “Shortages in future are likely to threaten food production, reduce sanitation, hinder economic development and damage ecosystems. It causes more violent swings between floods and droughts.

Disapperance of Coral Reefs:

Despite the oceans’s immensity — 71 per cent of the Earth’s surface with an average depth of almost 4km (2½m) — there are indications that it is approaching its tipping point. For reefs, warming waters and acidification are closing in like a pair of jaws that threaten to make them the first global ecosystem to disappear. 


#21- History of Quran

History Of Quran:-

Meaning Of  the Word Quran:

The holy quran is a literal word of Allah,divinely revealed to prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) through the angel Gibrael.Before any attempt is made to describe the meaning of the word "Quran" the etymological base of the Arabic language needs a Breif explanation first.The Arabic language is one of the richest languages in the world.In order to explain the true meaning of the word a three fold inquiry has to take place,looking into the:

1.Etymological Base of each word

2.its Grammatical Category

3.Its Contextual Location


The Arabic word Wahi comes from the root word waha and is used to describe divine revelation.It has a variety of Different meanings in the Arabic lanGuage, being interpreted as "A quick or Divine indication","to give or convey a message", or "Gentle Speech".In islamic technology wahi can be precisely defined as God's Divine message conveyed to Allah's chosen Person(prophets).

Manners and forms Of Revelation:

The holy Quran was revealed to the Holy prophet in a variet of different ways.

1.In the form of dreams.

2.Revelation revealed directly into the heart.

3.Revelation disclosed upon the sound of bell.

4.Revelation brought by an Angel in the form of a man.

5.Revelation through an Angel in his true Form.

6.Revelation directly From God.


"The Quran is the first revelation from the creator of Humanity.It was revealed in the year 610 CE to the prophet(pbuh),and completed over an period of 23 years.These 23 years revelation resulted in a book which comprised of 114 chapters and over 6000 verses.Quran includes all the subjects that concern human beings,such as doctrine,family,wisdom,worship,economy,etc.

The main theme is relationship between God and Human beings.

"Indeed it is We who have sent down the remainder(The Quran),and indeed it is Us who shall Preserve it"(Quran 15:9)"

Allah says in Quran...

"Do they not consider the Quran?Had it been from other than Allah surely they would have found much discrepancies within it"(Quran 4:82)

#20- Best article on Life

Life is the name of purpose, struggle, love, dedication and a number of feelings and emotions. Life shows its true colors with time. It depends upon you that how you look towards life and what is your strategy of leading an ideal life.
Life takes a number of turns during its whole span. Life may not be kind to you all the times. There are tough times which really test your courage and your capabilities of facing unfavorable situations. How well you tackle these adverse conditions prove your credibility. People who just close their eyes to avoid facing the hardships of life are coward. They do not have courage and stamina to stand firm in front of life’s demon. Remember that nothing can be done without trying, without striving hard to get yourself out of the trouble, without facing the situations. Such incidents in life improve your approach towards destiny. These incidents may entirely change one’s life (in some cases). These make your thinking a bit more rational. If there were no such thrills in life, it would be quite boring and monotonous. These incidents make you strong nerved person. In other words, life tests you all the time.
“Life is different from a teacher because teacher teaches a lesson and takes the exam but life takes exam first and then teaches a lesson.”
When you are in love, life changes its meanings, priorities and requirements. Life seems to be confined within the kingdom of your loved one’s heart. Life is a gift of God and to love and being loved is the best feeling in life which has no parallel. Everyone wishes to live a blissful life with his/her life partner. Life can be blissful only if you know each other, understand well and stand for each other through bad times.


#19- Do Hair and Nails Keep Growing After a Person Dies?

Here's a dreadful question to consider: Do hair and fingernails keep on growing after a man kicks the bucket? 
The short answer is no, however it may not appear that path to the easygoing eyewitness. That is on account of after death, the human body dries out, bringing about the skin to contract. This contracting uncovered the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, making them seem longer than some time recently, said Dr. Doris Day, a dermatologist in New York City and a going to doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital, additionally in New York. 
Commonly, fingernails develop around 0.1 millimeters (0.004 inches) a day. In any case, keeping in mind the end goal to develop, they require glucose — a straightforward sugar that powers the body.
"Once your body dies, there's no more glucose," Day told Live Science. "So skin cells, hair cells and nail cells no longer turn over and produce new cells."
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person perishes, according to a 2007 study in the journal The BMJ.
Regardless, popular culture often gets this fact wrong. In the book "All Quiet on the Western Front," the protagonist imagines his dead friend's nails growing in corkscrews after death, the researchers of the study said. They also noted that even Johnny Carson got his facts wrong when he joked about it, saying, "For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow, but phone calls taper off."


#18- Flashover, Creapage distance, Puncture

Flow of leakage current from line conductor to pin to the outer surface of insulator is known as flashover.
If leakage current flows from line conductor to pin through body of conductor. This is known as puncture.
Creapage Distance:-
The shortest distance through which leakage current flow from line conductor to pin is known as Creapage distance.

#17- Insulator

The purpose of insulator is that it resist the flow of leakage current.Insulators provide proper insulation between line conductor and tower.
Properties of insulator:-
A good insulator must have the following properties.
1-High mechanical strength.
2-High electrical resistance.
3-High relative permitivity.
4-High dielectric strength.
5-To bear maximum wind loading and maximum weight bearing capacity.
6-Insulator must be non porous.
7-High ratio of punctur strength.
Note:Insulators are usually made of porcelain or glass.
Types of Insulator:-
1-Pin type insulator
2-suspension type insulator
3-Strain type insulator
4-shackle type insulator
5-stray type insulator
Pin type Insulator:-
A pin type insulator is the one which can hold the insulator to pin and secure the conductor with the help of pin.
Suspension type Insulator:-
Suspension type insulator consists of many porcelain disc connected in series.It is used where voltages are greater than 33KV.
Strain type Insulator:-
A strain insulator is used to bear the pull of suspended wire or cable.
Shackle type Insulator:-
Shackle type insulator are used as strain type insulator in low voltage distribution lines. These insulators can be mounted vertically or horizontally.
Stray type Insulator:-
Stray type insulators are used in guy wire.

#16- 25 Years Prediction

Predicting what's to come isn't simple. Now and again PC World has been spot on. At different circumstances, we've missed it by a mile. Here are three forecasts we made that were shockingly perceptive - and three where we may have been a bit excessively idealistic.
1983 What we said: "The mouse will luxuriate in the PC world spotlight... Like the joystick before it, however, the mouse will blur some time or another into recognition."
We hit that one out of the recreation center. Mice are commonplace to the point that they're for all intents and purposes dispensable.

#15 Quaid-e-Azam personality

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was said to be the most exceptional man of his time. For the duration of his life not even the most noticeably awful of his adversaries could point a finger towards him.
Such was his tall character that by the mid-40s an English man, who used to wear western suits, talk in an English inflection and live in the most extreme castles had won over the hearts of a large number of poor Muslims in the subcontinent.Quaid-e-Azam has a lot of special features in his personality. Special features of Quaid-e-Azam’s personality is the role model for us. He shows us the how to find the destination. Quaid-e-Azam has the soft and kind hearted personality. Quaid-e-Azam has the real feelings of sympathy to the Muslims of Subcontinent. The personality of Quaid-e-Azam has very simple but graceful. The special features of Quaid-e-Azam’s personality are:

Faultless Integrity: Throughout his life Jinnah never traded off on his nobility and honesty. Once when an appreciative customer attempted to overpay him was he was properly declined as well as gave back the additional sum.


#14 Programming

Computer programming  is a procedure that leads from a unique plan of a figuring issue to executable  programs. Programming includes exercises, for example, examination, creating understanding, producing calculations, check of necessities of calculations including their accuracy and assets utilization, and execution (generally alluded to as coding) of calculations in an objective programming dialect. Source code is composed in at least one programming dialects. The reason for writing computer programs is to discover a succession of guidelines that will computerize playing out a particular assignment or taking care of a given issue. The way toward programming therefore frequently requires mastery in a wide range of subjects, including learning of the application space, specific calculations, and formal rationale.


#13 Genes

☆A Gene is a segment of DNA molecule that contains necessary genetic information to create a functional product in the form of proteins.
2.☆ A single Gene can contain large molecule or a very small one.However in both cases Gene need a Regulatory Region which control its Activity.This region is called promoter. Different Genes have Different promoters ,some are specific to their genes while the others are general for different genes.
3.☆The genes are made Up of 4 neucleotide bases namely Adinine,Guanine,Cytocine and Thyamine
4.☆The bases A and G are Called 'Purines' while C and T are called 'Pyrimidines'.
5.☆A functional Gene can be divided into two parts:
◇A regulatory Region.
◇A transcriptory Region.
☆The transcriptional region is further divided into two parts:
●Introns and ● Exons