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Breaking News

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#1 Abbreviations

HIV=Human immunodeficiency virus infection

AIDS=Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

News= North east west south

WHO= World health organization

IEEE=Institute of electrical and electronics engineer

AJB=African journal of biotechnology 

BETP=Biotech entrepreneurship

BIO=Biotechnology innovation organization

 AADR= American Association for dental research

 ADSL= Asymmetric digital subscriber line

 AOL=America online

APN=Acess point name

ATM=Alien time machine

ABA=Architectural barriers act

BBC=British broadcasting cooperation 

CIA=Central intelligence agency 

CID=criminal investigation department 

CSS=Civil superior services

FIR= First information report 

IBM=international buisness machine 

ICC=international cricket council

 ICJ=International court of justice

 IMF= International monitoring fund


#3 General Knowledge

1-)Diameter of earth is 12,742km and radius is 6,371km. 

2-)Nanga parbat is the most difficult mountain to climb and is also called as killer mountain.

 3-)London is the only city which has hosted Olympics for three times. 

4-)Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.  

5-)Tripoli is the capital of Libya. 

6-)obama deported 2.4million people during his government. 

7-)Speoleology is related to study of caves. 

 8-)stratosphere is the nearest atomic layer to earth.

 9-)India is the largest producer of mica.  
10-)The headquarter of red cross is in Geneva.


#2 General knowledge

1-)smallest country of world among area is Malta. 

2-)Largest ocean of the world is pacific ocean. 

 3-)Emirates is the airline of united arab emirates. 

4-)Theodore Roosevelt was America's youngest president at the age of 42. 

5-)Germany is considered to be the economic engine of Europe. 

6-)The only substance leaving the cooling tower of nuclear power plant is water vapor. 

7-)Nigeria is the country often called as"giant of Africa". 

8-)The only fertile dessert in the world is tharparkar. 

 9-)On 5 July 2016, NASA's Juno space probe entered orbit of the planet Jupiter. 

10-)Largest laboratory in the world is CERN.

#1 General knowledge

1-)New elected president of European Parliament Mr. Antonio Tajani on 18th January-2017 belongs to Italy.

 2-) 14 countries were participated in first Olympics held in Athens in 1896. 

3-) The First Muslim Nobel Laureate was Anwar Sadat. 

 4-) Colour of black box in aircraft is Orange. 

 5-) Country leader having unofficial residence is Cuba.

 6-)Dragon boat racing is a popular traditional sport in china. 

 7-)Taoism is folloed in china, taiwan. 

 8-) Name of the horse of Alexander the great is Bucephalus.

 9-)The Russia's forest reserves are called the lungs of the Earth. 

 10-)world longest route train cover distance in 18 days and is 12000km.


Character Building


*Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ' Till your good is better and your better is best.

Some points are highlighted here to motivate others

1.Encourage people.

I want to encourage everyone today to get the life started with passion and enthusiasm! You are equipped, you are well able, you are important, and nothing can hold you back with God on your side! I want to encourage you to ask God for the desires in your heart and then stand in faith for Him to do His will.

2.Show them the first step.

We are the happiest and healthiest when we help other people. Encourage one another daily. Be entwined with others. Strengthen one another and help others succeed. There first step should be building self confidence. Ask them to trust themselves.

3.Treat kindly.

If you want to motivate people treat them with kindness ' love and affection.
As our Holy prophet said that ''Treat people with kindness''.

4.Give people responsibility.
Those people must be given the responsibility . They would be able to understand when they face the responsibility and burdens . Then they would realize what is good or bad for them.

5.Set stretched goals.

A person should be asked to set the goals in their lives . They should have aims and dreams that are necessary for survival.

6.Tell them stories:

The person you want to motivate must know and understand the basics of life. Tell them the stories with their results so that they would learn lessons and implement in their lives.

7.Challenge them.

The best way to motivate a person is to challenge them. Give them the challenge so that they would be able to face.

8.Do Good to others.

We could motivate others by telling them the good things , by showing them the right path , by asking them to behave good so that in result they would have good in life. As it is said that ''DO GOOD , HAVE GOOD''.

9.Be a Good listener, Respectful, personable and Flexible.

To motivate a person You must be a good listener . you must listen to them patiently and attentively. You must respect their feelings . You must be flexible towards their attitude.


Best Health Tips


Bathing with hot water or staying in a hot tub for long isn't healthy for you as sperm cells can't bear high temperature so try to avoid hot water as much as you can.


Make a routine to do mind exercise daily for 10 minutes.mind exercise includes eye movement,make two or three plan to solve a mathematical question or anything else.


If you want to avoid number of diseases,it is important to reduce the stress in your life,as mental stress is the root cause of many diseases.


Satellite Launch in Space

A Space Exploration Technologies Corp. rocket effectively impacted 10 business satellites into orbit Saturday, in a rebound from a catastrophic accident over four months prior that paralyzed the airplane business, grounded the organization's armada of sponsors and raised questions about its reliability as a launch provider.

The inconvenience free liftoff from focal California's Vandenberg Air Force Base just before 10 a.m. nearby timemarked a vital, high-stakes turn for business person Elon Musk's firmly held organization. SpaceX, as it is ordinarily called, is looking to shore up certainty of business and U.S. government clients in its ease way to deal with giving space transportation.


Scientists closer to solve the mystery of Earth Core

Japanese researchers say that silicon is likely the puzzle component in the Earth's internal center, asserting advancement on fathoming one of the planet's most profound privileged insights. 

Center of the planet is made out of around 85 percent iron and 10 percent nickel, with sulfur, oxygen and silicon prime contender for the other five percent. 

#51- Scientist found where complex life came from

  • There are three sorts of life on Earth: microscopic organisms, archaea and eukaryotes 

  • Each complex organism on Earth, plants and creatures, contain eukaryote cells 

  • Be that as it may, the beginning of these perplexing cells came about is not completely understood 

  • Presently a review proposes the phones framed when a gathering of organisms called Asgard gulped a particular kind of microorganisms



#Sometimes suicide is the only way out its to hard to live this life when you are nothing but a burden to the one's you love. #Some people thinks that Depression is like a cold and that you can get over it, but that's not true. I too have Depression and I'm glad that I GOD always show me ways to go through them#Most people don't understand someone wanting to die. If you have never severely depressed you don't understand that it can be literally very painful. You just want to get away from the pain. That is why we must have far more facilities available for these people to get help immediately. They can't wait a month or even a week. You can't see depression but there are deficient signs. We all should learn them.

#49 Ups and downs of life

💜*life is too complicated, never try to find answers because when you find answers life changes the question.

Basically life is a another name of ups and downs of situations Just like our heart beat, we would die if it stops, we are alive because of its beating.


#48- Every Dutch train now runs on wind power


 As of January 1, all trains in the Netherlands now run completely on wind power (that is to state power produced by wind farms, not poles and sails). An Eneco and NS joint site announced that the 100 percent wind-controlled prepare system can give carbon-unbiased go to 600,000 every day travelers. The carbon-impartial rollout was taken care of by Dutch energy company Eneco, who initially declared arrangements for a wind-fueled railroad framework in 2015. The arrangement had an anticipated culmination date of 2018, yet because of a late blast in the quantity of windfarms in the Netherlands, Eneco and NS, the Dutch railroads organization, hit their objective a year early. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest

#47- Feature of upcoming Window 10 2017


  • Windows 10 Build 15002's greatest and most eagerly awaited addition: the capacity to postpone the establishment of upgrades for up to 35 days. This timescale isn't the length of I and numerous others would need, however it's an imperative initial step and reestablishes a component of something missing in Windows 10: control.
  • Edge gets another tab see bar, the capacity to set tabs aside, In Private perusing from the taskbar symbol, tight combination with Microsoft Wallet and Flash consigned to 'snap to run status' 
  • Begin tiles can now be composed into envelopes quite recently like Android or iOS 

#46- American Nintendo Switch

The American Nintendo Switch cost has been spilled onto the web. Clearly, if the data is right, the support will cost around two hundred and fifty dollars, coordinating the less expensive Slim forms of both the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 when the Switch discharges in the United States.
The up and coming console will highlight a Nvidia Tegra processor and as per the bits of gossip, the GPU will likewise be Nvidia's Maxwell design based GPU.


#45- Quotations


Remember that: No one remember you with your face but with the beauty of your heart.

As it is beautifully quoted that " It is nice to be important' it is more important to be nice: to handle yourself use your mind and to handle others use your heart.

The word human came from the word "Humanity".  Actually its the basic purpose of our lives. Humans are preferred over every creation on earth this is because we think' we speak' we argue' we advice' we care and most importantly we respect.

RESPECT is the basic element of humanism and personality . It is just like investment whatever you give to others ,It will return to you with profit. Humans are sent on earth by Almighty so that they love His creation and respect them. Actually the purpose of our life is also to help others because everyone remembers you in difficulties and if you help them they would be thankful to you and pray for you , and this is the major purpose of life.


Actually the beauty of heart means to have a beautiful mind , a beautiful thought , a beautiful personality and all this doesn't need a beautiful face.



The beauty of your face does not describe your behavior and personality rather the beauty of your heart depicts your personality and explains your behavior.